Executive Coaching Functional Manager Coaching Driven Individual     Coaching
Based on feedback from the executives that I have worked with over the years, the general benefits of my coaching, for them, have included the following:
A sharpened sense of personal vision with more clearly defined goals Increased self-awareness An improved capacity to think and act strategically A greater sense of presence in the organisation Increased decisiveness Improved comfort with exercising authority and being assertive The capacity to think and act beyond initial limits and paradigms
As a profession, Business Executives experience high levels of stress at the best of times. The high level of international conflict in play at present only adds fuel to the fire
Clearly being the head of your team at all times Clarification of your personal responsibilities as well as those of your subordinates Discernibly improving your own and your team’s performance and results Increased personal job satisfaction Increased team member job satisfaction
Getting results through others is not easy
Improved positioning for the next step up the corporate ladder A significantly improved work-life balance
More specifically, benefits have included:
Clients that have benefited most from this intervention share a common belief that Management is best embraced as a profession rather than simply depending on intuition and common sense. Benefits of the programme include the following:
Improved competence levels resulting in heightened respect for the role you play in the organisation Demonstrating excellency and highlighting promotion readiness
More specifically, benefits have included:
“Sometimes it is easier to do it myself” is a clear cry for help
Starting the shift from “what you have to do” to “what you want to do”
Moving to take control of the levers of life
An improved, and often deep, sense of welf-awareness Starting the shift from “what you have to do” to “what you want to do” Increased levels of life control Lowered stress levels and increased life satisfaction
More specifically the benefits include:
Based on feedback from the Driven Individuals that I have worked with over the years, the general benefits of Coaching, for them, included the following:
A significantly enhanced insight into the core values that drive their personal behaviour A better understanding of where they are and where they would like to be and a structured plan to guide and drive the transition process A feeling of “living from the inside out” rather than being a victim of circumstances Support in handling the daily ups and downs encountered on the trip
Over the years I have worked with a number of people who can best be described as “Driven Individuals”. What they have all had in common is a deep-rooted belief that each and every person has a unique life purpose. The “Driven” element is best explained by the following quote from the well-known psychologist, Carl Rogers, who said, “the core tendency of the human being is to actualise its potentialities. What this means is that there is a pressure in people that leads in the direction of becoming whatever it is in their inherited nature to be”.